Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Therapeutic boarding schools provide a path of lasting growth and academic success.

A TBS offers comprehensive year-round support for adolescents who have faced challenges with mental health, academics, or social issues. These schools are not only accredited academic institutions but also provide rolling admission, making it possible for students to recover lost credits or time and get back on track to complete their high school curriculum successfully. Through structured and challenging educational curricula, students receive a quality education while addressing their therapeutic needs simultaneously.

With year-round support and rolling admission, students have the opportunity to recover lost credits or time, ensuring they can catch up and complete their high school curriculum. This flexibility empowers students to embrace their academic journey and achieve their full potential.

Group and peer interaction play a significant role in therapeutic boarding schools. Through positive peer culture, students develop meaningful connections, empathy, and mutual support, fostering an environment conducive to personal growth.

Therapeutic boarding schools prioritize individual and family counseling. Professional therapists work closely with students to address their specific needs, while family therapy sessions ensure a holistic healing approach involving the entire support system.

The average length of stay in therapeutic boarding schools is 9-12 months. As students progress, home visits increase, allowing for valuable family reconnection. The gradual reduction of structure empowers students to develop independence and resilience.

Students often present impressively throughout the college application process. Their journey of growth and resilience equips them with valuable life skills, making them stand out and demonstrate maturity beyond their peers.

With a strong emphasis on peer interaction, individual and family counseling, and a personalized approach, these schools empower students to succeed academically and emotionally, preparing them for a brighter future.